Imprisoned inside me
Is a secret
Buried so deep
No one will see.
It’s a simple secret really.
It helps me through
The best and worse
Life can be.
My secret?
I think of you
And the rest is easy.

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Hehehehehe, it's 1812PM now and I'm totally in urgent and wanna finish a post in about 15 mins oh fml. Mwah* my life was full of surprises and I love my life! Gosh, I was so so so so so happy right now and feel like wanna kiss someone HAHAHA! Guess what, I was running in my house for 20 mins non-stop. Can you imagine it? I was just in way too happy! So readers, I'm here to tell you, go get anything that you wanted so much and don't wait it comes to you, it won't. I always ask for something/someone that I wanted so much and  finally I got it! Ahhhh, amazing life, great time! Okay, tomorrow is SJ1 paper and I doomed! I probably can't answer any questions! Oh my. Okay okay a short post was finally done! I need to go, byeeee! Biong!

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