Imprisoned inside me
Is a secret
Buried so deep
No one will see.
It’s a simple secret really.
It helps me through
The best and worse
Life can be.
My secret?
I think of you
And the rest is easy.

hit counter



Hey guys how's life? Tee-hee.
Finally I'm back.

OH-MY-GOD, I stalked this through CHUCKEI 's bloggg!
So cute right! I really feel like wanna get one! but wtf it was darn expensive
*of course lahh babi, its branded, adidas.* fml :(

 Jeremy Scott X adidas Originals JS Bones 
RM 700
Ready Stock : size 8 - 10

Okay, maybe some of you are able ($$$) to get this, why not?
Perhaps you can get this for your loves one? aww.
Ahh, I think Chuck is selling 2 different types of Jeremy Scott X adidas but actually I prefer JS Bones!
I swear! I'm gonna get myself one JS Bones if I get band 4/5 in Pengajian AM. lollll wtf impossible.

Jeremy Scott X adidas Originals JS Panda
RM 1200
Ready Stock : size 7 - 11


So guys, interested to get one? Email Chuck :

For me, since it was toooooox100 expensive for me and-seriously-unaffordable, I might get myself a cheaper one lolll
I think it's around RM100-200 wtf. loll

Ah exam is in the corner yet I can still bloggg here and chilling, yeah Imma dying soon D:
Know what, I need to write 2 essays, answer 2 passage and done 2 graphs in Pengajian AM this fmlttm subject.
So buck up, pelly? Yeahhhh *evil smiles*

Yay, yesterday Wan Qi texted me and she invite me to her partayy!
I'm still vexing whether I should bring who to the party. sigh.
There must be FULL of fashionista! You know, full of unique people and high fashion human.
Grrrrh! Im not gonna skip this party!
Wait for me, gonna pick someone to accompany me.

Readers, that's all for today.
Gonna bath and homeworks later, tata!

Me & You, still in progress? lolll.

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