Imprisoned inside me
Is a secret
Buried so deep
No one will see.
It’s a simple secret really.
It helps me through
The best and worse
Life can be.
My secret?
I think of you
And the rest is easy.

hit counter


210711, 220711 & 230711.

210711 - Wednesday.
Time: 0230AM, still awake.
Finally done my 3 essays, fmlttm.
Maybe you're not the one for me.

220711 - Thursday
Time: 0330AM, still awake.
Finished my Bahasa Malaysia notes in about 3-4 hours.Is it because Imma too slow or teacher is too much?
Baby, don't worry. Although we can't be together but we are still friends, and I'm still your jie. iloveyou.
230711 - Friday
Time: 1010PM, still awake.
Friendships are always precious.
Perhaps there's age gap between us.
We don't talk much and we only texting once you're home.I felt hurt.
I thought I always wanted a second chance with you, but now I want a second chance at life.
Sometimes you need to discipline your mind, be more mature.
I might missing you every single day but I don't need you by my side.

Gonna sleep now, tata.

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