Imprisoned inside me
Is a secret
Buried so deep
No one will see.
It’s a simple secret really.
It helps me through
The best and worse
Life can be.
My secret?
I think of you
And the rest is easy.

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La La La La!

So so so in love with 2PM, Lee Hyo Ri & Bigbang songs, damn nice.
Check out their fan page for more information okay :D

Just reached home about 3PM and F tired and sleepy yet tomorrow still needa stay back until 330PM and I need to buy more and more bukuS for Form 6 Sejarah & LOT OF homeworks!
Aww fml!
But uhm, at least I can meet him in school right? oww *sweet
Sometimes I rather busy than sitting at somewhere else and doing nothing/walking around school like an idiot. You know me right? I will think something negatively if too muchie time for me :(
Hm, feel like wanna call someone/boyfie to hear him/her/their voice because I don't really believe in words, I mean sometimes words can be fake thou.
Erm, people can be fake right? I mean sometimes they will send HAHAHA to you but it doesnt mean/impossible they are really HAHAHA in real life right?
People are losing their ordinary social skills la. we should spend more times to interacting with people right? sigh.
He din call me & we din chat in real life for few weeks already & kinda lonely lehhhh :( eeeee...
plus! Gonna busy in every friday because of tuition, my timetable is totally FULL aww!
Friday's timetable gonna be like this:
Morning : school until 12.05 and before 2.00 I needa reach Omega because tuition will be start at 2.30PM.
Pengajian Am's class would be end at 4.30PM. 15 minutes for us to rest and after that, muet class!
muet class will be started at 4.45PM and ended at 6.45PM.
THEN, maybe I still needa stay back at omega until 8.30PM for some Muet tests.
and last I will probably done with backbone pain, headache, tired, sleepy, soul flying away from me = die.
Okay I can do it because 33 and miss Caryn Woon will die, too. hahaha!

aiyar, gonna find some true friends for myself!
Eunice, she's the one who will always be there to cheer me on and always pull me up when I fall down :)
She's the real-est girl I ever met. She never praise me and I never praise her as well.
We will just gossiping about others, talk about past times, always be there for each other :)
You know, Muet teacher teached us that some people will put you on a pedestal, only to take it away when you stumble. and of course I can recognise who is true friends and who arent.
Caryn! Eunice! Sung! Hoon! Shing! the most valuable people I ever met.

Met him in this afternoon, aw.
we talked! but not flirt har hehe *blush
he say he would call me, tomorrow? GOSH, gonna on my phone for the whole day hahahha!
People, I'm human, too. I'm moving on, I'm putting down all the memories, I keep all of the memories in my heart, I don't argue anymore.
Just share my sweet and bitter memories with eunice. I told her that, I need to put down everything, I mean for some unvaluable person/people and put down everything that may be a burden for me.
She never say anything. I just share all my memories and ... feel like wanna cry and yell like craziness girl and shout like getting back all the things/people that I wanted so much! but lastly, no.
Past is past. I won't getting back anything! So what if I really get back him/things? Not worth.
It's sweet memories, not bitters'. I tried my best, and finally I did it. I cherish all the memories, I keep them/him/her in my heart. thanks to them. 
I will keep moving on and on and so on.
People, do you?

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