Imprisoned inside me
Is a secret
Buried so deep
No one will see.
It’s a simple secret really.
It helps me through
The best and worse
Life can be.
My secret?
I think of you
And the rest is easy.

hit counter


This is what we call LIFE!

Hello people.
I'm finally free right now!
So so so so tired. reached home, bathed and sleep gaogao until I forgot about my homeworks gahh!
Have been busy few days for " unfinished " homeworks, fml.
You know, everyday homeworks bus houseworks homeworks bus houseworks I can even make a song or  rap or beatbox -.-
Getting used to this F school because I met beautiful people and beautiful friends as well :)
She is Ah hoon, (the right ones)
She got straighat A's in SPM and she's the one who always supporting me in class.
She's so innocent and cute! and innocent doesnt mean that she's " stupid " in everything k :)
As her wish, hope someday she can be a lawyer.
AH HOON AH! You can do it! Loves!
( You know, I used to shout her AH HOON AH! in school LOLLL )

Girl, I need a girl. Babe I love you!
This girl ah, eunice chung!
Crazy girl ever.
Why I say so? Because she can laugh for whole day just because an stupid action from me :l
I just love hanging with her around school thou
Such a cute girl she is. We just love gossiping about others and I wonder why she seems so interested in people :l Hahaha
She always look like dumb in everything but actually when she is dumb-ing, actually she is thinking about other things! unlike me, if I really dumb-ing during classes = my brain not functioning at all and BLANK. HAHAHAHA!
Okay Iloveher.

Im trying to take picture with hazy eyes but failed!
Fml :( 
Yesterday Station One-ed with my dearie 33
Well, both of us is getting fatter and fatter jeeeez!
33 ah, hope you can GET him okay?
Maybe he's waiting for you, too :)
Although he is with his girlfriend for 2 years but errr. I think you are more prettier than her so... gambateh. Lols what I'm trying to say =.=

Bwahaha, met someone special in school today!
okay not really special but uhm. I " spot-ed " him LOLL
Actually I don't even concentrate during perhimpunan, I just keep on turn to him and look at him HAHAHA!
I love the way he ' sweep ' his hair and the way we talk to each other :)
and his cute face as well :P
I want to know you more I want to know you more!
I need a further understanding toward him! I think I can do it? aww!
Tomorrow gonna meet him again owww yeah! hahahaa
Sweet dream baby and don't forget your blanket okay? *blush

So gonna finish my homeworks and can't wait to jump onto my bed and sleeeeep!
You know my backbone is so pain for the whole day and I think I really need a deep rest :(

Nitey xo.
Tata, stay tuned!

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