Imprisoned inside me
Is a secret
Buried so deep
No one will see.
It’s a simple secret really.
It helps me through
The best and worse
Life can be.
My secret?
I think of you
And the rest is easy.

hit counter


ANGER! *blush

Hello readers, here I come again! #damn efficient
Just read Chuckei Baby Jane's blogggie, she is so pretty mannn *drooling
Seriously, I can't really tahan my anger naww.
What the tooot she is? Why she's in and I'm not? I'm the no.9! 
Why ? Why not? You guys don't even give a chance mannnn F!
Just ask me to wait and wait and wait, what you guys want me to waiting for? 
You know what, SDJ's teachers already start teaching and yet I'm still stay in stupid school and look at STUP*D teachers to chatting with those B*BI ?!
#pffffft no offence, sorry.
Now is freaking angry mannnn! Why I cant type chinese! WHY! 
I scared my readers away larh walaoooo wtf my broken english!
I can't even do well in plural verb/singular verb this kind of questions!
Okay stop being negative minded liao -.-
WTF I'm getting fatter! GOSH! #angry until stop typing
*take handphone
*go to media
*stares at Yu Jae Suk & Lee Hyo Ri
*Feeling better
sigh. Hi readers, don't ever think that I'm crazy.
That's the only way I release my anger.
*since nobody is my best friends and no one wants to talk to me?*
*roll eyes*
Chuckei said this: don't think that you're born ugly and no one likes you and no one give your teddy bears in primary school.Nothing is impossible 
 hell yeah! :D
mwahahaha, that's all for nowww. 
Hooooookayyy, yesterday I reached pelangi like err 3.30pm? #classes start at 4.45PM
Boring like hell and walking around pelangi and decided go mc-D limteh hahahaa
WAPIANG, saw someone veh familiar leh.
Who is it? Seriously I can't see clearly. Rubbed my eyes and see again...
GOSH rickson teo.
He with a short, black, DAMN skinny girl. and ... ... er err. she look exactly like ... kid O.O
and I don't know why no matter where I go, I always saw Rickson Teo punya.
I think is fate larh! HAHAHAHAHHA!
And hell larh I'm wearing SDJ's campfire Tshirt and he keep looking at me and wonder who am I.
PLUS! I din make up mannn! Tuition only marh, no need make up gehh.
After he know it was me, he seems like ... erm nervous? awkward? alah something like that larh!
then he turn his head to infront and cepat cepat sit down HAHAHHA
then I mumbled, Woah rickson, finally u found someone that same body size with you niaa! Congratulations! mwahahahhaa
*evil smiles*
MUET class is was like ... kinda stressful?
because teacher want us to finish an essay in 1 hour and pass up to her and everyone was like HAR?! I don't know leh! 
then most of them keep on turning back and ask their friends : eh, what you writing now? I don't know what to write leh, how?
then teacher cannot tahan and said, anything can ask me and don't ask your friends!
I was like LOL. hehehehe :)
yeahhhh finally I finished my essay *without asking anyone!* okay, except caryn woon hahhaa
maybe I can't get full marks/any high marks but at least I tried my best!
The feeling is good :)

Let's post something about today!
PA classes started in this morning, 930AM and I was like crazy, woke up at 7AM and bath and brush my teeth and put some sunblock and blah blah blah
745AM slowly walk to bus stop.
805AM bus reached.
and wapiang! 830AM reached pelangi leh!
I was like what the hell you doing har peyling? classes start at 930AM and you reached pelangi at 830AM? siao ah?
sigh, since I'm alone, I go ENY limteh bah!
hahahaha. hm. yet now I'm still wondering. Why people keep on looking at me when I slowly walk to ENY and take a seat?
er. Maybe they think I was crazy or what larh, a girl with messy hair and blur-ed look? xD
okay larh I know I'm with a DON'T-KNOW-WHAT-TO-DO face haha!
after finish my breakfast, I SLOWLY walk to omega.
OH! It's 9AM!
Open the door.
WHAT?! It's only 9AM leh, why all the seat full already?! 
woahseh! They are more crazy huh! 
I think next time 830AM I need to reach omega liao. gosh =.=
My first sight ---> Purple shirt boy.
yerrr? Jordon Lim -.-
hahahaha seems like I wake him up leh. he looked at me, smiled and asked, what you doing? *with his tired face*
hahaha cacat face E-V-E-R
hooray! caryn reached, sungsung reached and yoke ling reached too!
hehehe, caryn, me and jordon started crazy and chat like non-stop!
eh readers, don't think that we're not focus in class hor!
If you're in there, you will fall asleep, seriously.
I try to understand what teacher's teaching infront of there, but ! I don't even understand what he talking about.
That's a BIG problems. Don't worry! I will do revise! ;)
YAY! After finished first class, me, jordon, caryn, 33, yoke ling and another 2 girls go eat mee hoon kuay
I love to hanging out with friends and felt very comfortable when be around with them ;)
No awkward or shy feelings, AWWWWW I love them :*
After that, we started our second PA class.
The class ended at 2PM.
Since 33 don't want join us + she's in bad mood, me, caryn and yoke ling go pelangi Mc-D!
I saw some cosplay person at pelangi and suddenly became craziness girl and craving to take pictures with them HAHAHHAA!
I don't even think about I din make up larh apa larh contact lens larh blah blah blah
photos of the day! HAHAHAHHA!
Shit face, without make up and contact lens not BB cream! #Crap!
Hey, Naruto leh! hahahahaha
He is DAMN Freaking handsome, but you know what, he's malay -.-
ah, the girl beside me in photos is miss Caryn Woon! Beauty E-V-E-R! :D
After that, I take 10B back home & I totally fall asleep in bus because I'm sitting alone + nobody talking to me = brain not functioning and eye lid heavy like shit!
Hope I din't drool in bus larh okay hahahaha!

hm.kinda cheerful today. maybe together with caryn bah.
My life is great because of no troublesome boyfriend/girlfriend thingy in my life! Imma single lady! Hahaha
Now not feeling tired/sleepy at all :)
Oh yeah by the way, this a few days many people fall sick because of bad weather.
Included me, having flu attack and sore throat. Hope it wont become worse. #pray hard
I will try to drink as much water as I can, and you guys have to do the same also, okay? :)

Oh and there's some rules from chuckei, the way to maintain baby skin.

#1 Drink as much water as possible.Hate to drink water?Yes,I used to hate it but try to kill that bad habit and start drinking enough water!Good for skin and good for health.
#2 No no no to cigarettes.Seriously,smoking is like feeding toxic to your skin.So DONT.Waste money to buy bad health.What for?
#3 SLEEP EARLY.Apparently,I'm still working on this.I wanna get rid off my dark circles!
#4 Keep your face clean.Don't let the dirt and dust stuck in your pores,which leads to pimples popping out.
#5 Less make up.Cosmetics contains chemicals,it's not good to use it so often.OR,always remove your make up before you sleep.Don't ever ever ever sleep with your make up on.BIG NO NO.

Hey readers! Thanks for reading this long post yeah, Love.
That's all for today, tata.

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