Imprisoned inside me
Is a secret
Buried so deep
No one will see.
It’s a simple secret really.
It helps me through
The best and worse
Life can be.
My secret?
I think of you
And the rest is easy.

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Hi readers.
Just read Jane's blog for almost 2 hours. So impressed with her awesome english and such a pretty girl she is.
I hope someday I can be that skinny, too.
Sigh, this a few days not really in a good mood because of transfer school thingy.
Even when I was in shopping just now also in black face mode on, FML.
But someone made my day, thanks a lot.
Actually I just phone-ed with him just now, full of happiness. (:
Here's the 1/6 part of conversation ...
" Hey, bring me to anywhere. " I said.
" Aiyar, go sleep now and I will bring you to anywhere! "
" Walao, where you gonna bring me go while I was in sleeping mode? "
* both of us start laughing like shit *
Maybe it's not really funny but ... I was really happy
Seriously no ones really can made my day because I started worrying about my future. So, I'm appreciate enough! Ilikeyou
 What's my future? This question keep on appearing on my mind and I will get vexing over this and the end is I get frustrated.
What will happen if I can't transfer to SDJ?
Stay in TDS?
The answer is, stay in TDS, finish my dearie STPM there.
Since I was interested in make up thingy, my mummie ask me to do some things that related to make up but I must get a OK result in STPM.
Some of my friends doubted. They don't really know why I don't want just go study some things like make up or maybe take a course.
Dear friends, take course needs $ and I don't want waste money because I don't know what I really want for now and also my future.
So why don't I just finish my dearie STPM and after that I will earn some money then only take some course?
And second, if I failed in make up course, I still got a sijil STPM and I can work at other places or maybe some office works.
That's my thoughts, for now.
so, stop asking me to take make up course/ask me don't waste my time

Tomorrow will be alone in school, totally fml.
Kinda weird. When I was talking to him through phone, my voice will become like ... uhm soft? Yeah soft, soft to the max! Hahahah ya I want to melt him up! :P
And b*tch I am who I am, I don't simply act cute, f*ck off!
Sorry for vulgarities. 

Gonna sleep now, tomorrow start schooling life + exhausted
I believe he will bring me there, someday.
1227AM, missyourvoicebadly.

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