Imprisoned inside me
Is a secret
Buried so deep
No one will see.
It’s a simple secret really.
It helps me through
The best and worse
Life can be.
My secret?
I think of you
And the rest is easy.

hit counter


11.30AM Ann-yeong!
Rick super cute right awww :D

Since I decided to change class and take sejarah this subject, I needa work harder than others.
so many nota and latihan need to catch up.
and need to prepare for lot of presentation. sucha busy life ever :(
so I'm trying my best to do whatever I can and I hope I can get a OK result for my first test.
or else ... teacher would probably force me get back to seni class and I need to face the consequences :(

hm. I used to talk to him whenever I was sad/happy/get frustrated/pissed and I wonder why.
He let me feel ... like uhm. just a weird feelings larh!

Joanna just told me that don't believe people too easily because her room-mate just stolen her wallet.
and I wonder why Joanna forgave her.
If me ... sure repost police larh siao ah! RM500 not small amount!
sigh, why nowadays people are so crazy?
They don't think for others feeling uh, why?
same as him, he never think before he do anything.
If he would, things won't became worse.
His girlfriend . sucha bitch! simply scold people like she's the pro-est and keep on yelling like showing off something.
I was like are you crazy?
: You better shut the f*ck up. I will talk to your boyfriend so stop wasting my time.
: *yelling again*
I wondered. is it all the foon yew students like this? bad attitude.
100% cute/pretty looks but bad attitude ever?
I probably met him on next monday and Im sure that I will screw him up.
bastard ever! COWARD!

outfit of the day to omega.
*just ignore the messy room okay* thank you lollol.

that's all, stay tuned.

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