Imprisoned inside me
Is a secret
Buried so deep
No one will see.
It’s a simple secret really.
It helps me through
The best and worse
Life can be.
My secret?
I think of you
And the rest is easy.

hit counter


Totally FML.

Totally FML last night.
I set my alarm to 11PM but WTF it didnt work!
I woke up at 0538AM and my very first thought is WAPIANG WHEY! BI! I DOOMED LARH!
okay whatever. I started to study some essay.
FML again, what I study in the morning didnt came out in BI PAPER!
forget it. I randomly choose no.4
" It has been raining all day...... "
It has been raining all day. Look at the raindrops makes me thinking of my bestfriend, Serhan.......
LOL serhan
when I was desperate thinking what name I should write, suddenly stupid serhan face fly over my thought LOL!
Okayy lor, I wrote about serhan.
Hmm the synopsis .. I could not tell you guys larh. Secret secret!
Paper 2! 
I finished my Paper 2 in 1 hour and I slept half and hour hhahaha screw myself again!
what larh, junhao and gary terkejut when I told them I slept while SPM.
I really tired lehh, feel super duper sleepy when I look at the 2 teachers in my class.
dot dot dot.
DOOM! Fall asleep!
Wahh, I tell you guys, you better don't sleep while SPM!
It's really scary lorh and makes me very awful =.=
I dreamed I fall asleep in class and suddenly I stand up, walk to another chair, sit down, sleep again
then wtf suddenly all the students ask me to wake up
I dragging my very lazy super sleepy body walking back to my seat again then ....
dont know why I fight with a super FATTTTTTT GIRL!
okay thats all and I force myself to open my eyes and look around!
phewww nothing happens! hehehehehehee
stupid dreams right ? :P
maybe my dad saw it and want to punish me :(
paper 22222222222 finally finish!
Yay! 2 subjects is down left 7 subjects!
Gambateh to the calons who take 10/11/12 papers and good luck yoo.

I dreamed him last night.
I slept 9 hours and I dreamed of him 8 hours.
I don't really think that I am sleeping.
No wonder larh, stupid lar, damn tired now
need to chiong my sejarah somemore!
FML gaogao!
after SPM I want to rest rest and rest!
I want to sleep sleeeeeeeeep like no tomorrow hahahaha
sleeeeep forever ? alahh dont want larh I still got many things haven do naa.
I need to admit one thing.
the dreams is about all the memories that we had.
I dreamed of yoi.
I dreamed all the sweet memories.
I dreamed all the bitter memories that we had.
No matter the memories is sweet nor bitter, it's about two of us.
no one can take the memories from you and me.
Uh, okay stop it.
It's just a dream. I woke up from it, so I need to forget it. erm no is ... I'll put all the memories in my heart.
Put you inside me deeeeeppp deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep heart hahahahha
ahh cannot tahan my super lousy eng.
Thats all larh.

When I dreamed of you, I do miss you so much.

My story.

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