Imprisoned inside me
Is a secret
Buried so deep
No one will see.
It’s a simple secret really.
It helps me through
The best and worse
Life can be.
My secret?
I think of you
And the rest is easy.

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Fuyohh! I left my bloggg baby alone for few months huhh. FUHHH, cause of the feeling of BORED lead me to blogger to post somethin xD Today I skipped school sial due to my bloody fever and sore throat. Last night gave my baby Hoon a call, inform her that I would skip school for the next day then informed Piq, just don't wish Pika wait for me. I don't want to go to a doctor cause for me, fever and sore throat is just kind of small matters right? Duh, I'm feeling better now. Actually during this morning, about 6AM, I am feeling OKAY and feel like going to school but then I asked Piq to inform Pika that I would skip school and don't wish to make anyone feeling troublesome so... I chose to skip -_-

I miss her so so so so muchhh! :( Last night I was thinking... Since when I chose to being a cheerful girl? Since when I chose to be so think-for-the-others? Since when I chose to be crying alone than telling anyone of my bitter secrets? Since when...? Maybe after coming back from Camp Kaizen LOL. Few of them telling me that people think that Camp Kaizen was totally torturing them but only me saying that Camp Kaizen changed me, a lot. Seriously Yes. Maybe I never been to a place, which is so pretty? It's not somehow pretty but that place gave me a feeling... A feeling of soft and comfortable... I chose to put down every burdens, haters, loves... I thought those would tie me down for real long time but after I putting down everything, I was actually even more happy... Pika... Piq... Everyone... Actually they mean a lot to me... I might being silent for really long time but actually I am satisfied and being happy. I might once hurt anyone but at least I was willing to do anything for trying to bury my faults and every misunderstanding; I might once hate anyone of them but now at least I was willing to open my heart and accept everyone, they are all special and good. People are awesome, why would I choose to be hateful? Ah... I've changed. HAHAHAHA.

I miss her, I miss him, I miss friends. Since I was young, I mean when I was in primary school, I am the kind of person which is dare to say my own mind out. I am not that kind of person that hiding their own feelings without telling anyone or sharing their mind with friends. I don't mind being hurt or hate, as long as I've shared my thoughts, no matter people choose to be accept or unacceptable, I don't care. But guess what, my so-Leo-personality brought me some friends. Haha. People might don't like to be friends with me but for me, true friends, a few were enough. I don't need 100000000000000000000000 friends to be with me. As long as there are few of them that would stand for me. God bless, I've found them...

I told him, everything. He says he had a crush on me. I was surprised. He says he likes my attitude, he loves to talk to me but then every time we do not have any time for being together. I was wrong... I was so wrong, I should have always talk to him. God, why were you playing this shitty game with me? He is now with his girl. He is in a sweet relationship. I wish him good luck. I know someday we would be meet again. I promised you, we would not be awkward when seeing each other. All I want to say is, how much I wish we met before you meeting her. Both of you, must be blissful. I do not want to be a third party. So, good luck.

Ah. I was so ... I am not that emotional anymore. I've changed, so friends, lets' party and cheers for my changing. I am so in love with myself. xx

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