Imprisoned inside me
Is a secret
Buried so deep
No one will see.
It’s a simple secret really.
It helps me through
The best and worse
Life can be.
My secret?
I think of you
And the rest is easy.

hit counter


Third, parties. Hallelujah!


Oh hey fellas! Since I'm free now, I shall blog about today & last Friday.
See, I pierce the other side of my ear, as my birthday present lol.
Sorry for the un-clear pictures because teacher is teaching infront hahaha.
Right side of my ear, I think I pierced it on last year ... as my birthday present I think, with AhYe, Sinlee & Chinyee.
and the left side I pierced it on last Friday, as my birthday present too! With Yousin and MeiZhi lol.
Please ignore those scars on my face, thanks for your cooperation lololol. 

That's the situation of Pengajian Am class in omega.
You can see that how bowink teachers' teaching infront there until he fall asleep lol.
Seriously I don't concentrate, too. Ugh, gonna die soon X_X
That's all for Friday.

A big big big thank you to YouSin!
He always be there for me no matter what, ahhhhh lol.
Fetch me back home, fetch me to Omega, fetch me to lunch, accompany me no matter where I wanna go.
Thank you thank you thank youuuu! Mm Goi Sai

I'm not third party! No I'm not! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!
A big NO NO for being a third party, the one who destroyed peoples relationship.
Why am so believe in him? Will he do that to me, too? Insecured.
That's why I hate to thinking something negatively, feel like crying again.
Maybe I should believe in him again? Maybe I can change him? Maybe he will change for me too?
Am I thinking too much? Am I disturbing him? He should concentrate on exam? yeah, definitely.
AHHHH crapz! *No pelly No No No! Stop thinking!* *smacks head*

I'm really asleep! So regretted for not taking a power nap just now.
I have to stay up late tonight to finish my homeworks and all the notes as well fml.
So blog first, then dinner then homeworks.

Don't leave me.

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