Imprisoned inside me
Is a secret
Buried so deep
No one will see.
It’s a simple secret really.
It helps me through
The best and worse
Life can be.
My secret?
I think of you
And the rest is easy.

hit counter


Guess what, 3 more days left to my birthday!
*happy girl* lol.
But I'm so gonna prepare everything for the presentation, MUET, BM1/2
I'm so scared :(
Miss, can you don't ask me any question? Please? wuwuwu.
You know, I'm getting fatter! *Okay I know I keep on mention this*
My legs my tummy and arms! FML I can't stop loving dearie chocolate
Diet diet! lol.

I can't believe that he wanna treat meh Japanese food as birthday present!
Imagine that Japanese food as dinner! That's definitely WOW! Thanks Kris! :D
Ah I haven finish my houseworks and homeworks! Gonna finish it and hangout with them soon!
Tata readers *EXCITED MODE ON*

JW, I may don't need you by my side but I will be missing you.
Kiss you, good afternoon.

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