Imprisoned inside me
Is a secret
Buried so deep
No one will see.
It’s a simple secret really.
It helps me through
The best and worse
Life can be.
My secret?
I think of you
And the rest is easy.

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Hello fats!
I will be post about these afew days.
Yesterday went tuition with super excited mood because can meet my babies again!
But hella they seems mood thou so we don't talk much.
Oh ya, Jordon is so damn good. He just came back from DAWAN restaurant and met me in pelangi then I drag him to DAWAN again hahaha just want him to accompany me lol.
Oh ya and I met serhan in omega again and she seems very excited lol after that we took a picture, so lol.
Uhm I think that's all for yesterday, nothing special so skip.
Seriously I was like sleepy to the max now but I need to make my blog updated!
So, let's talk about today!
This is my outfit of the day.
Shirt from sutera mall, leggings, converse.

Me, eldest sis, second sis and their friends went to THE KIM'S to have our lunchhhh.
Actually it's nothing special just a korea food but it's delicious larh lol.

There's a second boy who are being allowed to calling me baobei ling.
What I wanna say is ... Dear god, please don't tear this apart.
I was so terrified to be with you, finally free me, finally I opened my heart.

Ohmygod I really need to take a nap now.
You know, tired mind can't be effective.
That's all for this post, so tata !

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